Buy art, receive culture
The shares of the Schaubühne Lindenfels gAG!
When purchasing a share of the Schaubühne, you not only receive a piece of art from Leipzig, but a piece of its culture as well. Our shares are literally artistic bonds: the shares, which are designed by various artists, are limited to 1000 or 250 prints. Five editions have been released so far, with motifs by Thomas Moecker, Verena Landau, Christoph Ruckhäberle, Frank-Heinrich Müller and Thadeusz Tischbein, as well as a special edition designed by Christoph Ruckhäberle.
As shareholder and co-owner you not only actively support the theater and cinema Schaubühne, but have the opportunity to acquire an exclusive art collection of Leipzig artists as well.

8th edition: Wolfgang Krause Zwieback
released on 3rd december 2021
The 8th edition is playable: a set of cards, containing 32 playing cards and 7 jokers, all designed individually by Wolfgang Krause Zwieback - actor, director an master of sensual and surreal art. Artist HAEL YXXS was responsible for the digital finish. The new game "Neunseelenland" is available only 100 times, costs 75 euros and is equivalent to two shares. The cards size ar 100mm x 62 mm, they are stored in a beautiful metal box decorated with another design by Wolfgang Krause Zwieback.

7th edition: Thadeusz Tischbein
released on the occasion of the FRAGMENT FESTIVAL BÜCHNER on 19th april 2018
The 7th edition is dedicated to the FRAGMENT FESTIVAL BÜCHNER. Limited to 50 prints and designed and signed by Thadeusz Tischbein. The print costs 100 euros and is worth four shares. The motif is a modification of the festival poster.
6th edition: Thadeusz Tischbein
released on the premiere of the SCHAU production BRODSKY on 15th october 2015
For the first time in the history of our shares, the 6th edition is dedicated to a Schaubühne theater project: the SCHAU production BRODSKY. With buying this piece of art you help supporting the continuous work of the SCHAU ensemble. The A3 print costs 50 euros and is worth two shares. It is available 250 times.
5th edition: Frank-Heinrich Müller
The fifth edition combines four motifs – all pictures from photographer Frank-Heinrich Müller – in one 250-piece printing. The photographs are part of a series which was developed in New York in 1996: taken with a large format camera without horizon, frontal and detailed. They remind us of the old Lindenau-Plagwitz, the working- class district with its islands of culture amidst industrial architecture. The art prints are available in a 29,7 x 46,9 cm format with a price of 24 Euros each.
Personal details: Born 1962 in Haldensleben (Saxony-Anhalt), 1988-93 study of photography at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig under Prof. Dr. Peter Pachnicke and Prof. Joachim Brohm, 1993 recipient of the “Ars Lipsiensis” art award of the Dresdner Bank in Leipzig, 1994 founding of the “Photographiedepot”, an archive for image documentation in Leipzig, since 1995 curator of the collection “Archiv der Wirklichkeit”, 2002 appointed as member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie, 2002-05 BMW plant Leipzig – An image documentation on the origins of Architektur- sculpture by Zaha Hadid, 2009 substitute professor for photography at the Hochschule für Kunst und Design Bad Giebichtenstein in Halle. More information about Frank-Heinrich Müller
Special edition: Christoph Ruckhäberle
This special edition was designed by Christoph Ruckhäberle, a well- known advocate of the “Neue Leipziger Schule”. The edition is limited to 100 pieces. An art print of this edition, in the format 30,2 x 47,5 cm, costs 240 Euro. This edition has the value of ten shares and will give you ten votes at the yearly shareholders’ meeting.
3rd edition: Christoph Ruckhäberle
These art prints come in the format 30,2 x 47,5 cm and cost 24 euro each. Limited supply of 1000 pieces.
Personal details: born 1972 in Pfaffenhofen, 1991-92 California Institute of Arts Valencia (USA), 1993 fellowship holder of the Walt Disney Character Animation Fund (USA), 1997-99 student in the class of Prof. Arno Rink, 2000 master student of Prof. Arno Rink, 2001 holder of the scholarship of the Free State of Saxony.
2nd edition: Verena Landau
The format of these art prints are 30,2 x 47,5 cm and cost 24 Euro each. Limited supply of 1000 pieces.
Personal details: 1965 born in Düsseldorf, 1985-88 apprenticeship as bookbinder, 1989 relocation to Florence, 1990-93 apprenticeship and teaching activity in the “Charles Cecil Studios” atelier, Florence, 1994-99 studies of painting / graphics at the HGB Leipzig under Prof. Arno Rink, 1999 diploma in painting / graphics.
1st edition: Thomas Moecker
Sold out!
These art prints come in the format 30,2 x 47,5 cm and cost 24 Euro each. Limited supply of 1000 pieces.
Personal details: 1967 born in Magdeburg, 1998-2003 studies at the HGB in Leipzig, 2006 master student under Prof. Bossletat the HBK Dresden, 2001-03 founder and director of büro spors – space for contemporary art in Berlin
More information about Thomas Moecker